MEFOMP is delighted to announce the ap-pointment of Dr. Jameelah Al Suwaidi as the new President of Emirates Medical Physics Soci-ety (EMPS). MEFOMP values EMPS as one of its vital mem-bers,...
IOMP is pleased to announce the John Mallard Award 2019. The award will honour a medical physicist who has developed an innovation of high scientific quality and who has successfully applied this...
MEFOMP is delighted to announce the officialisation of Oman Medical Physics Association (OMPA) and now being under the umbrella of IOMP. MEFOMP value OMPA as one of their important members in...
The following table list the National Diagnostic Reference Levels (NDRL's) for State of Qatar. The NDRL values are selected from several national and regional RDL's and is approved by Qatar Medical...
23-25 August, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark During the ECMP 2018 a meeting was held between IOMP, MEFOMP and EFOMP, the meeting was attended by Dr Huda AlNaemi, Prof. John Damilakis, Dr Virginia Tsapaki...
The new Officers and committee chairs were elected and all the members of the EXECOM will officially take their office in November 2018 at the MEFOMP Conference in Kuwait. The leadership of Dr Huda...
Qatar Medical Physicists Society (QaMPS) held its first meeting on 22 Jan 2018 at Bayt Al Dhiyafa, Medical City, Doha, Qatar Qatar Medical Physicists Society (QaMPS) held its first meeting on 22 Jan...
Signing of MoU between EFOMP & MEFOMP It is recognized that Medical Physics as a profession has become a global enterprise, and that on some issues the worldwide medical physics community should...
Signing of MoU between AFOMP & MEFOMP took place in the last MEFOMP ExCom Board Meeting that took place on 12 of December 2017 during the International Conference of Radiation Protection in...
Dr. Huda Al Naemi the current MEFOMP vice-president has been selected for the IOMP International Day of Medical Physics 2017 award. She was selected by the IOMP ExCom and the Awards and Honors...