Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics
Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics

AIMPC : Academic International Medical Physics Conference 2021 in Iraq

Academic International Medical Physics Conference (AIMPC) 2021 is organized in collaboration with Iraq Medical Physic Society (IMPS) and the Oakland Publishing and Quality Conferences to be held at the College of Medicine, Mustansiriyah University from 5-6 November 2021.
The theme of the conference is “Physicians and Scientists Work Together to Save Lives”. The conference will feature keynote speakers from eminent personalities all around the world, tutorial/workshops, and referred paper presentations. The vision of AIMPC 2021 is to promote, foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of the above areas in medical physics.
Academic International Medical Physics Conference (AIMPC) 2021 aims to bring together leading academic scientists and research scholars to exchange and discuss the latest innovative research results in Medical physics, Clinical sciences, Physics, Pathology, Environmental sciences, Biology and Biochemistry.
MEFOMP endorses the conference and encourages all Medical Physicists in the region to participate.
conference website :



April 9th 2021
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