Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics
Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics

Books Presentations during the MEFOMP conference

The upcoming virtual MEFOMP Medical Physics Conference, 5-7 April 2021, is offering three books presentations by 3 medical physics experts, these presentations will take place in the morning break each day of the conference

Each author would make his presentation for 10 minutes (11:50 - 12:00), the authors would be happy to offer special discount for the conference participants.
  • Monday, 5 April
Book title: Leadership and Challenges in Medical Physics: A Strategic and Robust Approach
Presentation  by the author Dr Carmel Caruana  Books
  • Tuesday, 6 April
Book title : Quality Control Procedures of the Gamma Camera, SPECT and SPECT/CT
Presentation by the author Mr Refaat AlMazrou
  • Wednesday, 7 April
Book title: Quality Control procedures for Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment
For group authors and Presented by Dr Hassan Kharita
For more information please visit the below link

February 23rd 2021
mefomp reporter


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