For the first time Qatar Medical Physics Society (QaMPS) hosted the international Medical Physics Certification Board exams. This is great opportunity for Medical Physicists in Qatar and Middle East to be certified as qualified medical physicists in various specialties. Prior to these exams, a two-day medical physics workshop was conducted as continuous professional education for medical staff.
The examination is conducted by a team of seven IMPCB examining faculty selected by the Board Examination Committee. These exams have attracted 45 candidates from different countries around the world which is the highest number of candidates comparing to other exams conducted previously.
The mission of the International Medical Physics Certification Board (IMPCB) is to support the practice of medical physics through a certification program to achieve the goal of improving the quality of patient care in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine. The IMPCB conducts a three-part Board Examination in several medical physics imaging and therapy sub-specialties worldwide, with emphasis on parts of the world that lack certification programs. Over the past two years examinations have been held in Mexico, Bangladesh, Italy (several times), Czech Republic, Austria and Chile.