Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics
Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics

IPEM 2019 Healthcare Gold Medal Award Winner

 IPEM 2019 Healthcare Gold Medal Award Winner

MEFOMP President, Dr. Huda Al Naemi won the prestigious 2019 Healthcare Gold Medal Award from Institute of Physics and Engi-neering in Medicine (IPEM).

IPEM Prizes and Awards recognise leading contributions of indi-vidual IPEM members to the advancement of their profession, in the application of physics and engineering to medicine and biology. There are prizes and awards across a range of sectors including academic, healthcare and innovation, and for mem-bers in different stages of their career. There are also prizes and awards for public engagement, best paper and best presenta-tion prizes in association with the journals and with the annual conference.

IPEM has a commitment to equality and diversity and welcomes applications from all members meeting the criteria as outlined in the regulations for each prize.

IPEM's Gold Medals are awarded annually and are awarded for established professionals who have made outstanding contribu-tions in the area of physics and engineering applied to medicine and biology.  

Healthcare Gold Medal for outstanding contributions to the ad-vancement of healthcare practice.

Innovation Gold Medal for outstanding contribution to innova-tion resulting in translation into clinical Practice.

Academic Gold Medal for outstanding contribution to the ad-vancement of academic practice.

September 26th 2019
mefomp reporter


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