Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics
Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics

MEFOMP ExCom Elections postponed for one year

As the 2020 becomes a frozen year in view of COVID-19 and most of activities either canceled, postponed or changed to virtual events with minimum participation due to the confusion that occur in all medical facilities, the MEFOMP ExCom  decided to postpended the coming election to 2022.
This decision is taken after discussion among ExCom members considering the IOMP decision to postpone their election for one year, and the similar decision by the International Union of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM).
All current MEFOMP ExCom members and Committees Chairs have agreed and shown positive responses to take responsibilities by extending their membership for one extra year.
Therefore, the upcoming MEFOMP election will take place in 2022, which will give chance to medical physicists in the region to be more involved in the election and nominate themselves to be part of the upcoming ExCom.

October 21st 2020
mefomp reporter


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