Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics
Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics

MEFOMP President Award in the IPEM Annual Review 2019

IPEM issued the annual review for the busy and successful year of 2019. They have again successfully demonstrated that with a strong strategy and values, combined with member enthusiasm and energy, supported by a well-led office, they can continue to be successful in delivering on their charitable objectives. There has been much activity during the year, and many successes as highlighted in the detail of this review report.
As part of Outreach and public engagement, IPEM supported more than 100 events across the UK involving IPEM member volunteers. These were conducted in a variety of venues, from hospital open days to school visits, higher education institutions to science fairs.
IPEM members continued to have success as Gold Medal awards were presented at the MPEC conference in Bristol to members who had made outstanding contributions in their area of work. Recipients were Dr Huda Al Naemi, MEFOMP President awarded the Healthcare Gold Medal, Professor Andy Beavis, awarded the Innovation Gold Medal, and Professor Panicos Kyriacou, awarded the Academic Gold Medal. This was followed by handing out of other prizes, grants and awards during the year.
Throughout 2019 IPEM organized a total of 24 scientific meetings and events, which were attended by almost 1,400 delegates. They also held three webinars for members across the year. A new IPEM President was welcomed as Professor Stephen O’Connor received the President’s chain of office from outgoing President Professor Mark Tooley during the Annual General Meeting. Prizes were presented, a new award was launched, and a party was held to mark the 40th anniversary of IPEM’s international journal Medical Engineering & Physics, with current Editor-in-Chief Dr Richard Black there to lead the celebrations. Delegates broadened their horizons through the multi-disciplinary approach of the meeting, and benefit from the opportunity to meet and talk with fellow members.
Its Annual Review of 2019 can be download from the below mentioned link:

July 22nd 2020
mefomp reporter


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