Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics
Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics

QaMPS celebration of the IDMP 2022

Qatar Medical Physics Society (QaMPS) in collaboration with Occupational Health and Safety Department celebrated the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) 2022. Most medical physicists from QaMPS attended the celebration which was preceded by a meeting for QaMPS.

The theme of this year’s IDMP celebration was “Medical Physics for Sustainable Healthcare” with focus on education, research and innovation as some of the essential fields for good health and well-being.  Dr Huda al Naemi, QaMPS president started the celebration with welcoming and congratulating all medical physicists for the IDMP, this is followed by presentation about the achievement during last year, including numerous number of training activities and the publication of 19 papers by medical physicists in HMC.        

Dr. Huda announced the winner of IOMP IDMP-2022 award for the region which is given to Dr. Rabih Hammoud (MEFOMP Treasurer). She also announced the winner of MEFOMP Young Scientist Award 2022 which is given to Dr. Hadi Fayad from HMC.
QaMPS also announced this year winner of the Physicist of the Year Award - 2022 which was Mr. Osman Taha and Scientific Publication Award – 2022 which was given to Dr. Tarraf Torfeh. An Appreciation Certificate was given to Mr. Sulatn Ahmed in recognition of his long services and appreciation of his contribution to Nuclear Medicine and Medical Physics in Qatar.

By the end of the celebration, IDMP 2022 cake cutting to be shared with all participants.

November 15th 2022
mefomp reporter


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