Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics
Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics

The IOMP- IDMP Award 2023

The IOMP- IDMP Award 2023
Mr.Refaat Almazrou, MEFOMP Secretary General has been awarded the International Organization of Medical Physics (IOMP) International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) award for the year 2023. Mr. Almazrou was selected by Awards and Honor Committee in the IOMP to be awarded this year presenting MEFOMP region. The result was announced in the IOMP webinar held on 7 November 2023 by the IOMP President.

MEFOMP congrats Mr.Almazrou for this prestigious award, Mr.Almazrou works as a senior medical physicist in biomedical physics department at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center - KSA ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

November 7th 2023
mefomp reporter


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