Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics

Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics


Workshop on Medical Physics in Diagnostic Radiology - Muscat

The Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics (MEFOMP) in collaboration with Oman Medical Physics Society and the Royal Hospital are organizing a Workshop on” Medical Physics in...

Radiation Protection Training Workshops in Qatar held in Doha, Qatar

The Qatar Medical Physics Society (QaMPS) in collaboration with Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) recently held the "2nd Workshop on Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT" on 04 May 2019,...

MEFOMP Countries are included in a wider Implementation of IAEA Code of Conduct to Enhance Safety and Security. Vienna, 27 to 31 May, 2019

By intensifying the implementation of the IAEA Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and its supplementary Guidance documents, countries are strengthening radiation safety...

Computed Tomography Workshop and Quality Control in Amman, Jordan

The Jordanian Associa-tion for Physicists in Medi-cine (JAPM) has recently conducted a training workshops June 8, 2019 held at Royal Hospital, Amman Jordan.   This one-day CME certi-fied...

Workshop on Advances in Radiology and Diagnostic Physics in Amman, Jordan

The International Scientific Exchange Program (ISEP) of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) in collaboration with the International Organization of Medical Physics (IOMP)...

Train-the-Trainer Course for RPO in Beirut, Lebanon

The IAEA, in collaboration with the Lebanese Atomic Ener-gy Commission (LAEC), recently conducted The Regional Train-the-Trainers Course for Radiation Protection Officers (RPOs) of Medical and...

MEFOMP Executive Council Meeting in Doha, Qatar

The Middle East Federation of Medical Physics (MEFOMP) held its Annual Executive Council meeting in Doha, Qatar on 05 May 2019. Six of the Executive Council Members attended on site by Dr. Huda...

IMPCB Examinations in Doha, Qatar

The IMPCB will hold Part I, Part II, and Part III examinations in Doha 22-24 October, 2019. Preceding these exams there will be a Medical Physics Workshop organized by Hamad Medical Corporations...

Radiation Protection Training Workshops held in Doha, Qatar

The Qatar Medical Physics Society (QaMPS) in collaboration with Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) recently held the "2nd Workshop on Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT" on 04 May 2019,...

MEFOMP Executive Council Meeting in Doha, Qatar

The Middle East Federation of Medical Physics (MEFOMP) held its Annual Executive Council meeting in Doha, Qatar on 05 May 2019. Six of the Executive Council Members attended on site by Dr. Huda...
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